therapeutic Laser and Injury Treatment

By Dawn Morse MSc and Georgina Robinson BSc

What is Therapeutic Laser Therapy? 

Laser is an electrotherapy modality and a powerful tool used in treating a wide range of acute and chronic injuries and conditions. The term LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, a technology first developed in 1960 by T. Maiman. By the 1970s, it was being successfully used in medicine for surgery and therapeutic purposes.

This innovative therapy utilizes light to trigger various biological processes within the body, stimulating healing and reducing inflammation and pain. Due to its non-invasive & non-painful nature, laser therapy is a widespread treatment within clinical settings for everything from speeding up wound healing to reducing pain, oedema, inflammation and treating ulcers.

 MLS Laser Therapy:

Among the various laser models available, the MLS (Multiwave Locked System) Laser stands out. This Class 4 laser machine combines continuous and pulsed emissions to penetrate tissues deeply while minimising potential risks. This makes it an excellent choice for therapists looking to achieve significant results with minimal side effects.

MLS Laser therapy offers both biological and systemic benefits: 

Biological Effects:

  • Increased ATP Synthesis: This boosts cellular energy, essential for healing.
  • Modulation of Inflammatory Processes: Helps control and reduce inflammation.
  • Enhanced Extracellular Matrix Remodelling: Supports tissue repair and regeneration.
  • Angiogenesis and Nerve Fiber Regeneration: Promotes the growth of new blood vessels and nerve fibers.
  • Stimulates endothelial function: Increases blood flow.
  • Edema Reduction: Speeds up the absorption of excess fluid.
  • Scar Tissue Prevention: Prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue.


Tecar being used in clinical therapy
Tecar therapy being used on the hand

Systemic Effects Include:

  • Pain Relief (Analgesia): Reduced inflammation, oedema, and muscle spasms, along with increased endorphin production, all contribute to pain relief.
  • Anti-Edemic Effect: Through vasodilation and the modulation of lymphatic capillary permeability, MLS Laser therapy effectively reduces swelling.
  • Bio-Stimulation: By enhancing the supply of nutrients, oxygen, and growth factors, this therapy stimulates cellular function, energy, and muscle fiber restoration.


Case study: Putting the MLS Laser into action

On the 10th July 2024 Mr R sustained a crush injury to his left thumb after catching it between two metal sheets. The injury resulted in a potential extensor tendon injury, with an oblique wound through the base of  the nail bed and a lack of extension in the thumb joint.

Thumb Picture1

Upon admission to hospital, Mr. R received a tetanus injection and was administered IV antibiotics.

Due to the nature of the injury, he underwent surgery, which included:

ELP Tendon Insertion Injury Repair

Washout Procedure

K-Wire Stabilisation

Partial Tendon Repair

Nail Bed Repair

Thumb Picture2

Post Surgery: 

Following surgery, Mr. R was discharged the next day with oral antibiotics and painkillers. A follow-up appointment was scheduled.

Introduction of Laser Therapy:

To support Mr. R’s recovery, laser therapy was introduced. This therapy aimed to reduce oedema and promote tissue regeneration through bio-stimulation. Laser therapy treatment started after the metal wire was removed.

Laser was used every day for seven day period and was administered by Graduate Sports Therapist Georgina Robinson. Due to the size of the injury area, treatment duration was 5 minutes.

Initially Bio-Stimulation setting was used to stimulate healing. This was then followed by the Anti-Oedema setting to reduce swelling. As the Mr R wasn’t in any pain, it was decided that treatment on the pain setting wasn’t needed.

Results after 7 days of treatment:

After 7 days of laser therapy Mr R reported a significant reduction in swelling and improved wound healing. Due to the nature of work and risk of bending the thumb, Mr R still had to wear removeable split in his thumb, and a change in size was required twice during the seven days of treatment.

In a follow hospital appointment, Mr’ R’s Doctor was surprised and pleased by the rate of healing.

Thumb day 1 MLSThumb day 2 MLSThumb day 5 MLS

The images above in order of left to right show Day 1 after MLS laser treatment, Day 2 after treatment and Day 5 after treatment.


The use of MLS Laser therapy in Mr. R’s case played a significant role in his post-surgical recovery. The targeted application of laser therapy not only reduced oedema but also enhanced the healing of the tendon and nail bed repair.

This case study highlights the effectiveness of laser therapy in managing complex injuries and post-surgical recovery, providing a non-invasive approach that accelerates healing and reduces discomfort.

The image below shows a comparison between the injured and non-injured thumb after 7 daily laser treatments. With each treatment lasting just 5 minutes in duration.

Thumb comparison


Therapeutic laser therapy is available at Core Elements Injury Clinic and on Core Elements Electrotherapy short course:

If you’ve suffered and injury and are interested in treatment please contact Core Elements Injury Clinic.

If you’re a qualified Sports Therapist, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor or Sports Massage Therapist at Level 4 or similar, and are interested in using Laser therapy within your clinical work, you may be interested in our accredited Electrotherapy Extension CPD short course. To find out more Click Here.

By Dawn Morse MSc,and Georgina Robinson BSc

Dawn is director of Core Elements Training.  Core Elements Training offers a range of accredited qualifications and short courses, including Level 3 & 4 Sports and Remedial massage therapy, Level 5 Diploma in Sports and Clinical Therapy and CPD short courses such as: Electrotherapy, Dry Cupping, Dry Needling, Manual Therapy, and more.

Georgina is a Tutor for Core Elements Training and teaches on several of our accredited courses including our Electrotherapy short course. Alongside teaching, Georgina works at the Courtyard Clinic in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. 

To find out more about Core Elements accredited  CPD short course in Electrotherapy please visit the course page by Clicking Here.