What is TECAR Therapy?

What is TECAR Therapy?

What is TECAR Therapy? By Dawn Morse MSc An introduction to TECAR therapy and use within clinical injury treatment: TECAR stands for the Spanish acronym Tranferencia Electica Capacitiva Resistiva, meaning Capacitive Resistive Electric Transference. This modality is...
Sports Massage Success – darren Wall

Sports Massage Success – darren Wall

By Emma Stuart BSc & Dawn Morse MScCore Elements Training Tutor & Director Darren Wall of DW Sports Massage, Portishead, Bristol: The Start of a Journey Prior to starting a Sports Massage Therapy course with Core Elements Training, Darren Wall (now proprietor...
Massage Therapy & Yoga Practise

Massage Therapy & Yoga Practise

Massage Therapy & Yoga Practise By Dawn Morse MSc As published in Om Yoga and Lifestyle Magazine Massage is a natural therapy that has been used for thousands of years and remains a key method for treating many soft tissue or muscular ailments today. This can be seen...