Electro-Dry Needling or Electro-Needling is similar to the ancient practice of acupuncture, with the addition of an electro stimulus delivered through the needles. Cables are attached to the needles to a stimulation system, which sends a pulse of electricity through the needle and into the tissue.
This may sound a little frightening but in reality, the likelihood of any pain being felt is extremely rare. The aim of Dry Needling is to create a twitch response or a sensation to relax the overactive muscles, reduce pain and restore normal length and function to the
targeted muscle. The needle used is very thin and you can usually feel the slightest of stimulus.
Sometimes the needle can be moved back and forth to create a twitch response, which can cause a little discomfort, but this is for a very short period of time.
The results of Dry Needling when an electrical stimulus is provided (Electro-Dry Needling) are excellent, and it’s proving to be more and more popular with clients. It is extremely effective at dealing with stubborn and ongoing complaints.
The list of what it can help with is extensive and includes:
Nerve damage, sciatica,
Soft tissue: spasm, strains, cramping, trigger points, tightness, sprains,
arthritis, joint stiffness, disc pathologies, and more.
But what are the major differences between the dry needling and the technique of adding electrical stimulus?
The 3 major advantages are:
1) The results from electro-stimulation are more rapid and longer lasting.
2) Because it is machined based, the process of Electro-Stimulation removes
guesswork and is objectively measured.
3) Stronger and more continuous stimulation is created through the electrons, whilst at
the same time, creating less tissue damage.
How Electro dry needling works is by the electrified needles impacting different nerves throughout the body, specifically the ascending nerves involved in pain processing in the
nervous system. The needles create a reaction within the body as the needles cause the slightest of impacts on the skin, allowing the body to release its natural healing mechanisms.
These endorphins work with the immune system to accelerate healing within that specific area.
As you would expect, this results in the reduction of pain. Studies show that this is an
excellent choice for strains and sprain injuries.
It also works effectively for muscle recovery and muscular fatigue.
When the muscle is triggered by the needle, the muscle begins to relax allowing the body to feel more
comfortable. However, with the addition of the electric current invoking a longer duration of muscle contraction.
This means that the muscle stays relaxed for a longer amount of time,giving the body more time to heal.
With this method of recovery becoming more and more popular, the need for Dry Needling practitioners is huge.
At Core Elements Training we offer a CPD short course in Foundation and Advanced Dry Needling, and our Advanced course includes the use of Electro-Needling. These courses are open to Sports Massage Therapists at Level 4 or above, along with Sports Therapists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Rehabilitation Specialists.
Further details please click the link to be taken to our course page – Click Here